Prayer for K2 Climbers

Ever since I have been on trek to ABC in Nepalese Himalayas, I have become fascinated with mountain climbing. It is perhaps toughest challenge any man can go through, both physically and mentally. Those tall irreverent himalyan mountains allow only the fittest and strongest of men to climb them and I have nothing but respect for men who indulge in this dangerous activity. Mountain climbing community is very small and plugging to it gives a different perspective on life. It is a different world altogether. Ever Since I read Maurice Herzog's classic book Annapurna detailing Frenchman's first and successful ascent of a 8000 meter peek, I have peeked into fascinating world of Louis Lachenal, Lionel Terray, Gaston Rebuffat and many such legendry climbers. The community has its own hierarchy with toughest, high altitude climbers on top. There were climbers like Anatoli Boukreev, who was daredevil to the extent of being mad, climbing without acclimatization or without oxygen. He was also climbing during 1996's Everest tragedy when 8 climbers were killed in one day. The expedition created lots of controversy with Jon kraukauer , a journalist and climber partly blaming Boukreev for not saving some of climbers trapped in snow storm. An Indian climber who died on same tragic day on Everest, was still lying dead just beneath the peak until recently. For almost 10 years his dead body was used by climbers as a milestone (called greenboots) on way to Summit. In recent times, many controversies and debates have arisen where some people within community have decried the attitude of climbers to reach the summit at any cost and not helping or rescuing other climbers who might be in distress. In 2006, David Sharp, a British Climber laid dying on the way to Everest peak, even while 40 other climbers passed him without offering any help or rescue. There is someting in us, men, which is tested only when faced with extreme adversity like in case of Joe Simpson and Simon Yates's disasterous climb on a Peruvian mountain so brilliantly captured in book and movie Touching the Void.

Even though men would often in their follies term their successful climbs and summits as conquests, these mountains invariably keep reminding them who the real lord is .Freak weather, falling stones, sudden avalanches, extreme weather, anything can kill even most experienced and trained climber as happened on K2 yesterday. In deadliest day in K2's history ,11 climbers reportedly died while scaling K2. K2 is said to be the most difficult of mountains to climb with its razor sharp ridges and unpredictable weather. The deadly mountain is also said to be cursed for women as only 5 women could reach the top, 3 of them died on decent and rest 2 died later on other mountains. Regardless of obvious danger, K2 keeps attracting climbers like bees to the flame. It is said to be a handsome and mighty mountain which is also equally unforgiving. Here is little silent prayer for those who died scaling it yesterday.

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